For the past 50 years, Dr. Morse has developed a cell regenerating detoxification program that is suitable for anyone who wants to have a healthy and vital body.
International School of Detoxification
Dr. Morse, a licensed naturopathic physician, biochemist, iridologist and a great herbalist, has a naturopathic practice and is the founder of the International School of Detoxification in the USA.
Due to the fact that people have systematically consumed the wrong food for years, the condition of our human cells has reached a dramatic low point. All our organs and glands, which are in constant cooperation with our lymph system (our waste system) and have a life-supporting function, have never been so low in their vitality, with all kinds of complaints as a result. The kidneys and adrenal glands play the central role in the deacidification of our body and all forms of inflammation. Acidification is caused, among other things, by wrong lifestyle habits and hereditary degeneration. In recent decades, people have been focused on “diseases” and “combating complaints”, so that we have completely forgotten how we can help ourselves in a natural way. Our health is a direct result of what we drink, eat, breathe in and what we put on our skin. By detoxifying your body you can regain the vitality and balance of your body.

Detoxing or detoxing is associated with a healthy diet
Detoxing or detoxing, cleaning the body of waste products and toxins, is accompanied by a healthy diet consisting of raw foods such as salads, fresh fruit, vegetables, fresh juices and smoothies and a change in lifestyle are among the most important factors. All this with the support of Dr. Morse are herbs and tinctures, specially developed for cleaning and rebuilding the human body.
Feeling happy is a combination of physical, emotional and mental balance with a deeper understanding of who you, as an individual, really are. Our webshop offers a wide range of herbs and tinctures to support detoxification.
If you have any questions or need help, please contact us. NutritionVision is happy to help you!